Become a member

Whether you have been part of our community for years or a new face, we would love you to join our community so together, we can create the change needed for all women and birthing parents to have access to empowered births.

As a community, volunteer Not for Profit Incorporated Association our organisation is run by it's members. To become a member you need to submit an application form and contribute a $5 fee by selecting the Donate button below. Your membership entitles you to vote at committee meetings and our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and elect as a member of our Committee.

You are welcome to become a member without having to attend an AGM, you may want to simply support the work BBI does now and into the future.

Membership enables you to contribute to setting our strategy and decision making on the future direction of our organisation and showing your support for improvements to our local birth services.

Once you have submitted your application for membership and paid your membership fee we will communicate with you via email.

Come join our community!